The word Mysticism is derived from the Greek Mystikos, and refers to the connection between the liturgical, biblical, and spiritual. Mysticism is about being effected by that which is concealed. This can also refer to rituals - for example the eucharist. Mysticism is strongly aligned with the great theologian Origen whose teaching sits alongside the desert fathers, and is best known for the 'formalisation of allegory.' Reading anything with allegory disrupts our pragmatic mind and puts us on the same frequency as the divine. In other words, allegory helps us to tune into the possibility and presence of mystery. Together Origen and the desert fathers (and mothers) give rise to spiritual practices associated with the mystical tradition; contemplation, lectio divina, the power of metaphor and allegory, koans, and all things theological and philosophical regarding the human soul making a journey toward the abstract mystery of God, and of all things being drawn together.
The spirituality of St Cuthberts Church Prospect South Australia exists in the mystical tradition. Perhaps the greatest thing we humans can learn about the meaning of life is; that which we call God, is in fact, unknowable. Our task is to be humble and absorb the vastness, to surrender to the power of that which we don't understand, and to be transformed in who we are, and travelling from naivety to innocence, letting go of our desire for control, and learning to just be; to be truly present, and truly aware. Once we grasp this, we realise we are at one with everything, and in that place there is complete peace.
We can do no harm to that which is part of us (at least not without harming ourselves at the same time).